Should the wiser one, Prime Minister Gillard continue to play Mother to her fool boy political brother who constantly exposes his masculine insensitivity in boxing gloves, budgie smugglers and "try any longs" to gain recognition and approval of his holy Father, be that in heaven, his indoctrinated mind or Catholic corruption aka George Pell and his band of protected abusers.
Our Prime Minister is so right in bringing the nations attention to this excuse for a states man and her maternal analogy of a two year old's unconscious destructive behaviour is accurate when viewed pathologically.
After graduation through the babbling phase his early attempts to speak are now limited to short sentence construction and little less than reconstituted two word parroted grabs.
Cognitive and genetic development combined with fundamental indoctrination continue to obstruct our social evolution. As with the the dark ages of the inquisition, the public remain deceived and abused by these blind faithful perpetrators.
Obstructed by the frantic grab for materialistic images and false Gods, beholden also by shady hats, Pharaoh's lords of commerce the greedy bankers as we always knew are being massaged from both sides of the mind.
Mean time the little boys attempt to undermine the National Broad band roll out by "bloody mindedness". Child riding bikers, who pathologically achieve their jollies by riding through the puddles, jumping on sand castles, flinging mud from shanghais and learning to spit and whistle. All happening whilst our education network and universities struggle for survival and our scholars and professors abandon our shores to foreign lands to survive.
Education has never been appreciated or valued by the ignorant who find self glory emulating the beauty of youth, sexuality and physical form.
In this regard little permanent progress has been made since Moses' attempted to elevate the spiritual awareness in mankind as he self realised the way out of the body (Egypt) across the "red see" to the promise land of self enlightenment depicted in Exodus.
So Prime Minister Gillard in understanding and working around the behaviour characteristics of two year old is showing her feminine skill to be much superior and successful than trying to meet the petulant littler boys nappy changes head on.
OK we have been away for awhile but now recognise the need to return to the POND to make ourselves available to assist elevate the states of consciousness for those who are stressed and worried by the Hung parliament and a genuine opportunity for democracy to played fairly, openly and honestly.